The Primal Parent

How Are You Going to Celebrate National Potato Chip Day?


Didn't mean to tempt you...

Tomorrow is National Potato Chip Day here in the United States of America.

Or maybe we should call it

National Flatulence Day, or maybe

National Inflammation Day, or how-bout

National Disrespect Yourself Day, or even

National Embrace How Shitty You Feel Day.

Not only do Americans eat this junk food all year long in the vein of, oh, 1.2 billion pounds, but they feel they need to celebrate the gluttony too. I wonder if this somehow lightens the guilt of eating 5 servings (55 chips) in one sitting, or like many, the entire bag.

There are a lot of awesome people in this country doing lots of awesome things (like this guy for example), but there are also a lot of morons and a prevailing moronic attitude. The BM Chips website offers up some of the lameness on a silver platter:

Is there a specific food associated with this holiday?
Yes.  The holiday is “National Potato Chip Day”, so the food you would eat is potato chips.”

Is this month connected with a specific geographical area?
Yes, the term “National” means the United States, however, chips are available in other countries.”

So, what are you going to do tomorrow when you send your little ones off to school? Are you going to take this “holiday” as your free ticket to cheat? Maybe you’ll make some homemade chips with butter or lard and follow along with one foot just outside the beaten path.

Or are you going to stand up for what you believe in and boycott it for the idiotic and destructive occasion that it is?

National Potato Chip Day isn’t a joke to me. I mean it was when I first heard it. But when I think about it, it’s a symbol of how patheticly misguided this country is. If I give in and let Evelyn “play along” just because she’s a kid, I’m sending a message that she will no doubt remember into adulthood that it’s ok to forsake her beliefs in the name of fitting in. But fit in is the last thing I want my kid to do right now.

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  1. Oh my!! When I read your newsletter this morning in Australia I kind of chuckled to myself and thought… what??!! POTATO CHIP day?? Is this for real? Is this another Hallmark grab at desperation? So I Googled it… and now I have to go eat my hat… Things never cease to amaze!

  2. That’s fascinating. Dedicating a whole day to potato chips! Only in America? ;)

  3. There’s a potato chip DAY?!?!? There are no words….. *facepalm*

    I hope nobody waves potato chips in front of my kids at school in the name of junk food solidarity, though (“But — but they’re gluten-free!”), or there may be hell to pay.

    • This morning I explained to my daughter that some portion of America is celebrating junk food. I said, why not celebrate your health? She agreed. She said she didn’t want to celebrate getting constipated. Too cute.

  4. In honor of potato chip day…I’m baking a sweet potato. I was going to do this either way, but now I feel semi-festive.

  5. 0 – 0 oh boy!!! only in America! …. perhaps we can promote something like “fresh raw liver’s day” or “eat real food day” although I doubt I would have many followers. Hey! one can only but try : 0 )

    • Seriously! My daughter was all about the idea for Celebrate Your Health Day. But when you live in a country where very few people have that (health), it would be like celebrating Being Rich Day. I’d have to stay home for that one…

  6. Well, life can be so serious it’s sometimes good to celebrate the small things and have some fun…

    But surely something that doesn’t line the pockets of junk food makers and normalise crap food for our kids can be fun too!

  7. I was wondering, what exactly is the Paleo stand on potato? and why is it considered worse than sweet patato since they are so simmiliar?

    • Sweet potatoes and white potatoes aren’t really very similar. Sweet potatoes have very high nutrient content and much higher fiber (they’re also not a night shade). White potatoes don’t offer a whole lot of nutrition in comparison have a high glycemic index (but of course if you just eat it with a ton of fat then the GI goes down so I don’t really know why people would fuss much about that). The white potato is has been cultivated for some 7,000 years and is now the 4th most important world food crop. I’m not certain about this but if I recall the potato was not readily available to hunter gatherers.

  8. Now tell me – did anyone celebrate Pi Day on 3-14? There is food for the brain!

    However, here in CT we did not celebrate National Potato Chip Day 3-13, or Pi Day 3-14, or even the Ides of March 3-15 – we spent all of those days taking the Connecticut Mastery Tests, and bowing at the altar of standardized testing. Keep aiming for that homeschooling, Peggy!

  9. How about National Grass-Fed Beef Day???

  10. Pingback: Weekend Link Love - Edition 182 | Mark's Daily Apple

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  12. I did not know there were such a day, but it got me thinking I’d like some crispy fried thing. I went down to the butchers and got some pork skin, and watched about 5 videos to try and figure out the best way to make pork rinds. (they are unavailable here) They were beautiful. Every last crispy “heart-clogging” bite. They say it’s one of the worst foods for you to eat. I say they are fools. Here is the video that was the easiest to follow. This woman moved her family to Kenya doing missionary work, and they were unavailable to her too. I cannot wait to make more. They make a great treat for lunches too. Potato chips are gross, I would much rather celebrate Pork Rind Day.

    • You’re totally awesome Grace. I’m going to make these. I’ve actually never had fried pig skins before but for as much as I love chicken skin, I’m sure I’ll love them. Thanks!

      • Hey, Thanks Peggy. Did you ever make these? I just saw your comment trolling your site (yeah, I do that – even if I don’t comment as much anymore, I always like to see what you have to say :) )