The Primal Parent

Q&A: Organ Meats and My Exercise Routine


Hi Peggy!
I was searching your site but couldn’t find any detailed posts on organ meats. Did I miss it? Or have you not done one yet? If not, could you do a post on an Introduction to Organ Meats for new primal eaters? I really have no idea where to start.


I haven’t written a post about organ meats yet so as a reply to this question I made a video about how I eat organs. My method is pretty silly, because I don’t like organs, but you do what you’ve got to do to get them down.

This next question came from a very long email asking several questions one of which was about how much I exercise.

The first thing I did for my “health” after college was to quit drinking and smoking and start exercising. I figured distance running would help me lose 15lbs so I built up to around 35 or 40 miles per week, plus I lifted weights. I don’t even like thinking of those days. I was tired, irritated, and looked older than I do now.

I quit distance running after I got pregnant. I felt remarkably better taking 4 or 5 mile walks than I did doing interval sprints and 15 mile runs.

While my daughter was a baby, I went hiking quite a bit but never got back into running. Even without knowing anything about the problem of over exercising I knew I felt better since giving it up.

These days I like the idea of taking it easy. I don’t concern myself with the amount of exercise I’m getting in a day or a week. I have plenty of energy since changing my diet, and don’t need to force myself to get out of the house. In fact, I just always want to go do something active.

A year ago I sold my 2 year old Mazda3. I didn’t feel like I really needed it after leaving California so I relieved myself of a $500 payment each month and started walking and riding my bike everywhere.

On average I ride my bike 6 ot 7 miles per day or I walk 5 or 6 miles. This is my commute to and from my daughter’s school twice a day plus usually a walk to the store or around the neighborhood with my family in the evening.

My boyfriend has a car which we use on the weekends to go to the mountains but sometimes we just stay in the city and mess around at the river and downtown. This can make for a lot of exercise.

In the summers I play at the park with my daughter a lot, swinging on the monkey bars and, well, playing on all the equipment. In the winters I do a lot more pullups, pushups, situps, and yoga, to stay warm and active, plus I snowboard almost every weekend.

I’m pretty active, but I don’t get caught up on how much exercise I get or don’t get. There are days when I seem to exercise all day long because I have so many places to go and things to do. And then there are days when I’m pretty much locked up in the house writing till sunset.

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  1. I just saw that (Slanker) sells ground beef with organ meats (heart, kidney, liver, spleen) ground in with it. I’m really curious to try it out and see if I can handle it like that. Plus it’s way cheaper! Can’t beat good, grass-fed (and local-ish, for me) ground beef for less than $5/lb!

    • That reminds me that about 5 years ago I was getting this grass fed “dog food” which was a similar blend. I used to eat that and thought it was pretty good actually. I have no idea what the company was, but I think it was in Texas!

  2. LOL. Watching you eat that was hilarious!

    I have been making Liver Pate with at least 50% fat. I can down a few teaspoons each day and it isn’t too bad. The fat is great at masking the organ flavor (even cold right out of the fridge). I still haven’t gotten used to the flavor of the pork liver. Unfortunately, I’m allergic to red meats so I can’t eat beef liver which does taste better to me. It is cooked as I’m still too cautious to try pork raw with my gut in a fragile balance right now and still in healing mode. I eat raw salmon, but only after I have used dry ice to flash freeze it. Microbes tend to be unappreciative of -109 degrees Fahrenheit and that makes me happy. I’m thinking of trying the flash-freeze process on pork one of these days. Then I can “chase” some raw food with lime juice too!

    Have a great weekend,

    • Thanks Lyle! Good weekend to you too!

      I think liver pate is pretty good too. It may be the spices that disguise the flavor too. I wish I didn’t think this way about organs. I know they are so delectable to many people, but they really just are gross to me, oh well…

      • I’m not using spices except for sea salt. I bet more spices will help a lot! I look forward to trying that, perhaps in a few months. I tell my son that our brains will develop a taste for food when it “learns” it is good for you (after ingestion and the associated health benefits). I suppose this doesn’t always happen as he has suspected.

  3. That video was really funny! I just got some beef liver and kidney today and I’d like to attempt to eat some raw. I’ve only ever had cooked beef liver once, and it wasn’t too bad, but it wasn’t delicious by any means.

    I used to eat my coconut oil the way you eat your organs! I hated the taste so much that I’d ‘mince’ it up while it was still solid and choke it down like a pill. I’m such a wuss.

    • That’s hilarious! Most people love the flavor of coconut. We’re all different though, aren’t we?

      • My two boys are VERY resistant to the flavor of coconut oil. And they can SPOT it. In ANYthing. I don’t mind anymore now that I know about tallow ;) but I still haven’t figured out how to even approach the idea of raw liver. As for me, I’ve found lambs liver to be descent. I cut it up really small, and stick pieces in my mouth and swallow it whole. I usually end up building momentum, as I am in a hurry to be done with the process, and then I gag, and have to slow down :) Having grown up with raw liver, does your daughter find it easier, or even enjoyable?

  4. Peggy,

    Do you only eat that much per day? That looked like a small amount – one spoonful?!

    It’s been a while for me but I enjoyed a pound of beef liver last year over a few day period…

    I have been exercising less and less. Today, I move, move, move and play, play, play. Life is sweet. In about an hour or so I will be going for about a one mile run, will do some pull-ups, and push-ups and then swim. This is 100% PLAY for me :)

  5. I appreciate the exercise information! Although the technicalities have been difficult (I’m an exercise instructor), the past month I’ve cut down considerably on the amount of cardio I’ve been doing. Instead, I walk to and/or from work several days each week, about 5 miles one way. Before I took this “break”, I had some symptoms of not getting enough glucose; now, I just simply have energy and feel great. I’m hesitant to go back to the old routine next week, in case those problems arise again.

    In the past, I had depressive symptoms arise when I would take more than a day away from cardio exercise. Lately, when I feel these coming on, I’ve done a sprint (running) workout or taught a strength-training class, and these get me back in line. The walking is peaceful, and I feel calmer and have something to look forward to at the end of the work day.

    • That’s interesting Autumn. I wonder if you have low endorphins and are using the exercise as a way to boost a low endorphin store. Though walking as much as you do sounds heavenly to me. I LOVE walking!

      • I’ve been reading The Mood Cure, and I would agree about the endorphin deficiency. A few days ago I placed an order for the amino acids she recommends; I’m looking forward to seeing how they help!

        In the meantime, I agree about walking — even when I lived in less walking-friendly cities, I walked everywhere. Chicago is a surprisingly great city for walking, and I do quite a lot of it even in winter.

  6. This comment came in the form of a reply to the post update email and I thought it was hilarious so I’m posting it.

    “suck it up…if you can eat raw meat….you can eat raw organ meat…”

    Funny. I’d say I am sucking it up pretty well actually. I don’t complain about eating it, I just do it my way.

  7. That’s funny about how you “take” your organs, lol. I was just reading in Nourishing Traditions that sweetbreads are more palatable to those starting on organs, so I was thinking of trying those, plus mixing a little liver into ground beef or something.

  8. Peggy, your tip about the lime juice water is a godsend. I have dreaded my “liver nights” every week because of that aftertaste. With the addition of the lime juice water, I can see those experiences eventually being a more neutral. Thank you!

    • That’s what I like to hear! It was huge for me too. I don’t know why but I absolutely can’t stand the taste of organs – any kind. One day I had some lime water sitting on the counter at the time that I was dutifully eating my liver and so I washed it down with that and was totally amazed. So glad I could help!

  9. I can’t manage beef liver either. It’s not only the taste. The texture kind of freaks me out. Last time I was at the butcher I got him to grind 2 kilos (4 pounds) of ground beef with 1/2 kilo beef liver (1 pound).
    Visually, you could stiff see the liver in the mix, so it was a little gross, but you couldn’t taste it.

    My daughter loved the dishes I made with it, and there is no way she’d eat beef liver (neither would I).
    Blogged about it here

    BTW, would your liver be easier to swallow if it were frozen or half frozen?

  10. maybe this is a silly (or subjective) question, but…how long does it take to walk 5 miles?

  11. Peggy- I have to admit that the biggest reason i don’t walk is because of the time I could otherwise be spending with my kid (it would probably take an hour each way). Do you just take her most places? What about when you’re walking to/from work?

    And I’m definitely going to have to try liver with your lime water. :)

    • That’s a long way! My walk to school is 20 minutes each way. Those 20 minutes walking with her before school and then again after school is a great opportunity for us to connect. And then the walk by myself is great too. I work remotely so the furthest I walk to work is the coffee shop. It hasn’t always been this way, of course. I used to live far from work and had to drive, but I hated the commute so I moved and found another job closer to home. Then I rode my bike or walked. Now I’ve managed the ideal situation and I work from home or a nearby cafe.

      As far as the rest of my walking and bike riding, yes I take her everywhere with me. When I first sold my car she was not at all happy about walking everywhere, she put up quite a fight, but now she loves it and realizes that walking is just a part of our lives.

  12. You are very lucky to look that awesome (low body fat percentage!)with only little “formal” exercise! I`d problably stay slim without doing a lot but as I like myself lean (which means 17-19% body fat for me personally)I have to lift some weights. If I don´t suqat/lunge with a serious barbell I have an annoying pancake butt (I blame genetics!)

  13. why the liver raw? is it healthier that way?

    cooked and frozen in small slices are yummy. at least to me, but im used to eating meat raw. have you tried any other organs?

    if you can stand cooked, i sometimes make a stew with beef shank (with marrow, that becomes the stock) and some liver and thats pretty good. when i have guests i throw in a bunch of vegetables.

    • I do the liver raw because it’s easier for me to get it down that way. When it’s raw it’s slimy and just slides down my throat. Plus, I like to eat a little animal food raw so this is one of those. I do like the flavor of stew cooked with organs. :)

  14. Ok, I now understand why you have to “take” your liver and chase it with lime juice. My local farm had some beef liver and I excitedly bought some (I’ve never had it). I first tried a small bite raw and it was… not good, but not horrible, so I figured it would be better cooked with some butter and onions. Well, I was WRONG! Haha. The only way it was edible was to take a bite with a ton of onion and once I ate all the onions well, that was that. Liver is pretty unappetizing :\ I ended up making a bone broth and put it in there. Do you think I’m still benefiting from using it that way? Otherwise, I think I’ll be taking shots like you :)

  15. I just did your raw liver with lime water trick and it worked like a charm. I didn’t taste anything but the lime. I thought I’d be nervous and grossed out but it was totally fine. I’m going to try to do a bit of liver every day for a while just for fun to see how I feel (plus now that it’s thawed I need to eat it!). I’ve only eaten liver cooked with onions before and although it wasn’t horrible, it wasn’t delicious and not really worth the hassle of cooking. Slurping it down raw is very convenient and quick!

  16. Haha! I feel the exact same about liver! I take a small spoonful of ghee immediately after each bite to blot out the awful taste.

    Question: What other “supplements” do you take? raw liver being one, i know you also take cod liver oil, and you drink bone broth, and i have seen you mention kelp flakes for iodine. I’d love to know how often and in what quantities you take these and if there is anything else you make sure to eat/ take/ do regularly. I know you probably do not strictly monitor such things but a guesstimate.