The Primal Parent

March Against Monsanto


March Against Monsanto

Tami Monroe Canal says she was inspired to start the movement, March Against Monsanto, to protect her 2 daughters. “I feel Monsanto threatens their generations health, fertility and longevity. I could’nt sit by idly, waiting for someone else to do something.”

I am totally with her on this, as a mother of two daughters myself. Although, my interest in this fight is not just about my daughters’ health, but about justice and freedom. Monsanto is robbing the world of their freedom to grow the foods they choose to grow and is replacing natural plants with modified crops that are bad for our health.

This gigantic corporation has got to be stopped. March Against Monsanto might just be the beginning of a revolution.

What’s so bad about Monsanto and GMO?

Monsanto, the leading producer of GMO seeds and the herbicide glyphosphate, is an old company. Founded in 1901, they produced familiar chemicals such as saccharin, vanillin, DDT, Agent Orange, and PCBs before turning to biotechnology. They have a track record with deception. For example, they covered up environmental devastation as a result of their PCB production in Alabama. What might they be covering up regarding GMO seeds or their herbicide Round Up?

Some of the reasons why we will march against Mansanto include:

  • While long-term studies are limited, as genetically modified foods are still so new, research is beginning to show that GMOs cause cancer, infertility, and birth defects.
  • Monsanto has planted their own ”experts” inside the FDA and USDA. This helps keep them safe and in control.
  • The fact that Monsanto has so many players in the government ensures that long-term, government-led studies are not conducted on the safety of GMO foods.
  • GMO crops contaminate traditional crops. The fear is that in time there will be no more “clean” seeds.
  • Monsanto’s Round Up “may have dire consequences for agriculture such as rendering soils infertile, crops non-productive, and plants less nutritious.”
  • Monsanto puts small farms out of business for violations of food patents which can occurre as a result of contamination from Monsanto-adjacent farms.
  • Monsanto threatens to wipe out all non-transgenic varieties both deliberately and via the unavoidable spread of pollen.
  • Monsanto’s GMO seeds may be partly responsible for the collapse of the world’s bee populations.
  • Monsanto’s Round Up Ultra is responsible for destroying food crops and water sources in South America.
  • Monsanto is working to patent seeds of all crops, including vegetables. Once they’ve done this, they will control the food supply. When they control the food supply, they control the people.

The purpose of the country wide march

The march is intended to show how important America thinks it is that GMO foods are labeled and/or banned. We will be protesting the “Monsanto Protection Act” and Monsanto’s unethical business practices in general. The huge participation that is expected will help get the word out about Mansanto, GMO, and Round Up.

I’ll be at the march on the 25th at Denver’s capitol building. Will you join the march in your city?

Further reading:

Interested in learning more? Here are some links I compiled that should help you get educated and outraged!

The ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ of Betrayal

What countries have banned GMO crops?

15 Ways to take a stand against Monsanto and avoid GMO foods

Millions Against Monsanto

Top 20 foods and products that have been genetically modified

Comparison of GMO and non-GMO corn

Report on animals exposed to GM ingredients in animal feed


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  1. Enjoy your website and this is a very Interesting topic. I can certainly understand a stance against Monsanto as a paleo, organic food connoisseur which is why it is important to understand the foods their products are in. I have tough time getting upset that a company “may” be responsible for this or it is “gigantic” or is looking out for its financial interest over a small business. Monsanto will not respond to anger or marches, but to the consumer’s money. The advocacy and awareness of the the health, social, and economical benefits of an organic based diet will lead to the end of Monsanto’s anti-paleo practices.

    • Ed, you are right. Monsanto won’t respond. But that is not the point of the march. The march will build awareness in the minds of the public. Hopefully then people will start to learn where to put their money. Hopefully these Paleo websites and books will teach people about real food and supplant Monsanto peacefully in the end.

  2. Love your new blog header Peggy! GMO’s make me angry. Glad that more and more people are learning the ugly truth about them.

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