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Topic: Cold turkey?
Posts: 1
Cold turkey?
on: August 14, 2011, 17:23

Do you recommend going cold turkey when it comes to switching children to Primal eating?

My daughter isn't quite two yet so feeding her Paleo/Primal hasn't been much of a challenge. She still has some things that she loves that I haven't had the heart to take away but at the same time she LOVES her fruits and vegetables, she eats eggs and meat happily, and she is generally a very good eater.

She does has a strong love for cow's milk which has proven to mess with her digestive system. Yesterday I did a cold turkey swap and gave her almond milk. The first cup she drank up happily, however this morning she was eyeing it suspiciously while drinking it. I'm hoping I can transition her over without a fuss.

Posts: 1
Re: Cold turkey?
on: August 14, 2011, 23:38

We don't recommend cold turkey; too much Omega 6… Sorry.

We are struggling with the same question with our kids 2.5 & 6. Since they already have established diets and tastes we are taking a more gradual approach. Making sure that there are no pure starch meals, adding extra cream and fats (butter, macadamia nut oil, and avocado oil mainly) to their dishes, and making low carb desserts when they ask for them. They still ask for noodles but the need for sweet desserts seems to be fading. They generally go for fruit. Occasionally we will make a low-carb pudding which is very easy: Roughly 2/3 oz unsweetened chocolate cocoa (Scharffen-Berger claims no net carbs) per 1.5 oz heavy cream with a little honey to taste. Mascarpone also is a good addition.

Good luck!


Posts: 1
Re: Cold turkey?
on: August 14, 2011, 23:49

I wouldn't recommend going cold turkey either. My kids are older (11) and I have done cold turkey for other more urgent needs and it is very hard. On everyone.

As this is a lifestyle choice and nothing is driving it urgently, my suggestion would be to transition slowly. It is the easiest thing to just cut out the grains with dinner, then alter the snacks, then perhaps lunch and finally breakfast. That's how I've done it. My goal is to get to 90% primal at home. Outside the home, they make pretty good choices, but you know, they're kids…

Posts: 1
Re: Cold turkey?
on: August 30, 2011, 04:44

I try to set the example. My children ask questions about my "Muscle Food" and "Fun Food".

But my kids have some serious sweet tooths. "This healthy food sucks." said my little boy. Also, my wife is right there with them. My wife and 22mos. girl, 4 year old girl, and 6 year old boy can destroy a dozen cookies in a heart beat.

I have been trying to grill and introduce that as well as various fruits and vegetables. Some success and some failure.

They do love jerky so I have been buying that for a snack instead of the other stuff. And I found they like pineapple, oranges, green beans, and watermelon and bananas. So I try to always have these available.

I guess Cold Turkey would not work well in my house. I would need the wife, and my mother in law who lives with us on board to help.

I am a personal trainer, former Marine, bodybuilder, strength athlete. I have been about 85% paleo for a year or so. I am now running with Vibrams 5 fingers and such. I have 3 young kids and have my hands full. I am the main food shopper and cook.

FYI: I am a art model, fitness enthusiast, tired father and a guy trying to be good at grilling and making healthy foods. I am very interested in what is here to be offered.

Posts: 2
Re: Cold turkey?
on: September 19, 2011, 21:35

We've been going for a gradual approach. My oldest is a picky eater and carb junkie, my middle boy will eat anything. They were both raised the same, but they are complete opposites.

My middle boy tries everything we make, and usually doesn't want the kid-friendly alternative that I offer..he wants whatever I am eating, even if it's a big spinach salad for lunch, he wants his own.

My oldest…we've been trying to gradually phase things out and find healthier alternatives. He LOVES yogurt and granola… but he only likes vanilla yogurt, not plain, not even with honey. I made a nut based granola that everyone else devoured, but he didn't like it.

I understand it completely because I was always a picky eater and am very sensitive to tastes and textures… but it sure is frustrating!

One good thing is that he loves fruit and that is often seen as a treat… he's happy with that for dessert. We've never bought many snacks or processed food, so we don't have to break that habit. Though he does love cereal…but if we don't have it in the house, then he has to find something else to eat.

Lunches are boring…chicken or turkey w/ fruit, carrots and dip. Sometimes he gets some nuts or fruit leather.

Getting him to eat what we eat for dinner doesn't usually work…but we try to break it down as simply as we can and he gets meat and veg.

Anyway, we're still working on him, so it's definitely a gradual thing. I've considered going cold turkey, but I just don't know.

Posts: 2
Re: Cold turkey?
on: September 21, 2011, 18:17

With my children, ages 6 and 2, my husband and I decided to go cold turkey with them. Wasn't much of an issue for my two year old but my 6 year old had more of a problem with it. We talked with her about what we were doing with the families food and why we were doing it (For us, it was a combination of my health issues and my daughters health issues). Then, I took her to the market and let her pick out whatever primal food she wanted (she definitely felt like a grown up walking around picking out fruits and veggies and grass fed beef and pastured pork!)Each day I would let her help in the kitchen so that once the meal hit the table it felt all her own and she happily ate it! We did go through a few days of some emotional ups and downs with our children and they also tired a lot more easily but once they adjusted (for us about a week) they felt better than ever!

Posts: 2
Re: Cold turkey?
on: September 25, 2011, 01:22

I was excited today when I saw my almost 5 yr old daughter take a couple bites of her hamburger, put it down, took the bun off, and proceeded to eat the meat! My mom took us to the burger joint down the street (I know, I know…. I had a 1/4 dog minus the bun but with relish and onions). My mom said, "she's following you!". I'm very happy about this. Maybe I can just be an example for her and she will follow. Especially since we no longer have bread in the house.

I come from a family with a lot of health issues. I’m just now having to deal with some of them at 29. I’m a single mother of a 5 yr old little girl. I’m trying to get my health back. I’ve been primal since August 2011.

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