The Primal Parent



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Topic: Hair loss and getting period too often
Posts: 1
Hair loss and getting period too often
on: May 1, 2012, 17:55

I have a PCOS diagnosis and after I started eating more primal, some of my symptoms have gotten better but some new ones have appeared. I used to have acne and lots of unwanted hair growth as well as cycles that were generally about 50 days, now I have almost no acne, and less excess hair growth. However I get my period every 2 weeks for several months out of the year and I'm experiencing hair loss on the top of my head that wasn't there before. I've noticed hair everywhere and the roots seem to be small when I examine the lost hair. My scalp is becoming more and more visible.

I went from being vegan to primal eating almost overnight and I think I may have dug into the meat part with almost too much gusto. I'm starting to research online and it seems that excess protein and fat can cause acidity of the system, causing your body to leech calcium. This certainly seems to be the case with me as I'm developing cavities for the first time in my life. I'm starting to think that I need to focus on vegetables more and meat less. I already eat very little fruit because of the sugar issues I have related to PCOS. Fruit seems to exacerbate my acne even worse than if I indulge in baked goods.

Anyone have any thoughts? I'm curious if anyone has any hair loss success stories. Getting my period too often concerns me as well.

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