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Topic: Newly pregnant, and need to go shopping.....what to get??
Posts: 1
Newly pregnant, and need to go shopping.....what to get??
on: March 31, 2012, 22:19

I've been paleo for nealy a year(well I've slipped off a few times…but I'm sticking to it this time!)

So I just found out in about 5 weeks pregnant and want to get a weeks or so worth of food tomorrow. So, what should I get? I've ditched the bread that I've been using the past week to get over the morning sickness, and today I've relied on some ground(and lightly seared) hamburger, a couple little apples and some calming tea to settle my stomach and it's done quite well.

Here is my biggest problem….I'm a courier, I'm in a car, and walking around, anywhere between 4 and 6 hours a day….Im not at the office where I would have access to a warming and cooling spot or anything until my last 2-4 hours of work.

However something that is grand, I feed our pet carnivores a raw diet….so I'm not against eating(or at least trying) anything!! LOL

One question I do have….with the bone stew…with having the bones and such in it, but since it's in the crock pot….do I strain them out? Or eat it all??

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