The Primal Parent



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Topic: Getting sick more?
Posts: 2
Getting sick more?
on: November 7, 2011, 19:02

Hi. Since I got serious about paleo/primal living (about 6 weeks ago) I've been sick for about 4 of those weeks. At first, I thought it was an unexpectedly long 'low carb flu'. I'm also breastfeeding. My 8.5 month old still isn't interested in solids. So every few weeks I get SLAMMED with a spike in hunger. During one of those spikes I caved and ate a sandwich and some Annie's mac n cheese, in the same day. Helped with the hunger, only slightly. A few days later my 3 yr old brought a cold home from preschool…which passed to the infant…. and then to me. Their colds lasted 5 days. My cold? 2.5 weeks. It's a virus the Doctor says, sweat it out.

I feel pretty good, all things considered. It's like my base is awesome, but the cold on top just won't go away. Is this normal? Is this just a transitional phase? Do I just chalk this up to being a mother of an infant and therefore not getting as much sleep as I need? Perhaps this is just coincidence that I'm sick so often at the same time as I transition to this diet?

Thank you for any advice!

Mother of two, world traveler, on a great adventure.

Posts: 4
Re: Getting sick more?
on: November 29, 2011, 23:10

I seem to be having the same issue, although we have been mostly primal for 2 years. This season though we are getting sick like every week! I am soooo over it. This has never happened before.

I have no answer to your question, just more questions.

Why are my two year old, husband and I (6 months pregnant) all getting sooo many colds this season? Why do we seem to get sick more than SAD families? Could it be stress induced (we have been under a TON of financial stress for the past few months)… HELP!

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