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Topic: Paleo Toiletries ?
Posts: 7
Paleo Toiletries ?
on: August 25, 2011, 14:08

Has anyone gone "paleo" with their toiletries ?

Ditch shampoo and conditioner for baking soda and vinegar?

How about tooth paste?

Deodorant ?

Body soap?

Posts: 10
Re: Paleo Toiletries ?
on: August 29, 2011, 06:59

Yes, in the process! :)

I still use regular shampoo & conditioner, mainly because I'd bought some expensive stuff for myself awhile back and it takes me aaages to use a whole bottle as I only wash my hair 1-2x a week. When that is empty I'll be switching to the baking soda/vinegar method.

I have swapped my body soap for castile soap, and I love it. I feel squeaky clean! Castile soap can also be used as a general household cleaner, shampoo (though that may be a bit harsh as I feel it strips away ALL oil from my skin so may dry out hair?), and dish soap.

Still using regular toothpaste, but after this tube is gone, I think I'll switch to Toms of Maine.

Deodorant; I have a recipe for deodorant from Crunchy Betty ( but need to source ingredients so that's in the works.

I've binned all my moisturisers, lotions, cleansers, toners etc in favour of a jar of good ole' coconut oil. Works wonderfully. I have a small bottle of pure jojoba oil for my face though. I also use vinegar as an astringent.

All my makeup has been switched to mineral makeup as well, and limit how often I wear it (cant be bothered to do my face up every day anyway haha)

Aaand I've thrown away all household cleaners in favour of a simply vinegar+water+essential oil solution. it works on everything; counters, floors, toilets…

I still have all my plastic tupperware, but I'm currently looking for a source for glass containers.

The only thing I'm still searching for is a good replacement for laundry detergent.

Sorry, this turned into a tangent. :P But it's something that excites me, as a former beauty product junkie it feels freakin' great to reclaim all my bathroom/kitchen shelf space and only use a few products for everything!

Jenn V
Posts: 7
Re: Paleo Toiletries ?
on: August 29, 2011, 17:40


Thanks for sharing all of your paleo toiletries! I honestly hadn't really though about doing all of that until I read your post! Please keep us updated on how the hair washing goes. I am interested in that because even when I use the expensive stuff, my hair gets oily every day. I hate washing my hair every day, but I feel like I have to. I stopped using conditioner a while back and now I can cut back to washing every other day as long as my hair is pulled back.

Let us know about the deoderant too! I tried Tom's of Maine, but that stuff does not work! I don't smell when I don't wear deoderant, but when I used Tom's, I started to smell within an hour of using it. I currently use deorderant only when I am working out. Other than that, I clean really well and hope for the best!

Posts: 3
Re: Paleo Toiletries ?
on: August 30, 2011, 05:33

I stopped using deodorant a few months ago. And I am sweating running people at the track and working out etc. I have found that light spray of colonge in the sweat areas after a shower takes care of things just fine.

I also found that if I wear natural fibers like wool, cotton, or walk around shirtless at the track I don't smell. It is only when I wear the polyester wick away shirts that I stink. And wearing deodorants seem to make me stink more. I was confused too. I first switched from anti-perspirant to deodorant because they worked too good. I mean if I am working out real hard I felt like I was going to pass out since I could not release the heat. The switch helped big time. Then I wondered why wear deodorant at all if we have natural pheromones and the stink is from bacteria not your glands. So I stopped using it at all. I shower very well and sometimes put a little cologne on and that is it.

I really don't smell and seem to also have more people wanting get closer in my space.

Also, talking about the wick away shirts. If you are shirtless aren't you getting rid of the heat just the same? Also, there seems to be an epidemic of Staph in high schools and gyms these days. Is there a parallel to the kids wearing stuff like under armour? I believe there is. When I work out I go shirtless outside and in the gym I wear cotton shirts. When they get wet I just change them or take them off and drive home.

Just my 2 cents.

I am a personal trainer, former Marine, bodybuilder, strength athlete. I have been about 85% paleo for a year or so. I am now running with Vibrams 5 fingers and such. I have 3 young kids and have my hands full. I am the main food shopper and cook.

FYI: I am a art model, fitness enthusiast, tired father and a guy trying to be good at grilling and making healthy foods. I am very interested in what is here to be offered.

Posts: 5
Re: Paleo Toiletries ?
on: August 31, 2011, 03:47

Heather: Try Soap Nuts for laundry.

Personally I have been trying to go more Natural in my toiletries but haven't been too successful.

Toothpaste: Used to use baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. I feel that this cleans my teeth better than anything but found that I wasn't using it as much as I should.

Hair care: tried baking soda/acv and it dried out my hair horrendously. Probably due to my skin sensitivities to sodium carbonate and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). Currently I'm using a tea tree oil organic product that works very well. but I'm running low and its expensive. I may just try to do the water method soon.

Soap: I've used various varieties and currently am using an expensive health food store brand on my body and a locally made goats milk bar soap for my face. I like the face soap and will just switch to this when I run out. Yay for farmers markets.

laundry: SOAP NUTS. Awesome awesome stuff. I found that I got contact dermatitis from the soap my previous boss used (diaper service) so I bought some diapers and some soap nuts. Nearly all of the skin issues for my DD and I have cleared.

deoderant: Currently this is the least natural of my body care products besides the occassional makeup. I use Dove. If it's not going to be a hot or workout type day then I use Toms of Maine deoderant because I find that antipersperant clogs my sweat glands (literally and painfully). Tried baking soda and it gave me an immediate rash. Tried baking soda-cornstarch mix and I had to reapply 2-3 times a day.

makeup is very occassional and I'm using up my old stores.

That's about it for me. Any other ideas?

Day 1: 9/6/11
Taking it day by day and one meal/craving at a time

Posts: 1
Re: Paleo Toiletries ?
on: December 30, 2011, 23:55

Has anyone tried the oil facial cleanser? I've found that it works best for me. It's also an easy recipe. Mine is:

3 parts oil (olive, coconut, or other favorite oil)

1 part cod liver oil

1 part water

You shake it up and massage in very well, then steam and rinse with hot water. I find it works well on blackheads without causing dryness or other skin problems.

The soap nuts are very interesting! I'm going to try some. Thanks for that info!

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