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Topic: Portion Sizes
Posts: 1
Portion Sizes
on: August 16, 2011, 19:59

Lately I have been struggling about portion size when it comes to feeding my kids (and myself). Would anyone mind sharing how you determine what a portion size should be for each meal for your kids, and their ages? For example, if eggs are for breakfast, do your kids eat one, two, or more eggs? If they are cooked in butter or lard, how much? A teaspoon? A tablespoon? Do you try to keep track of how many ounces of protein they eat at each meal? Etc.

The reason I ask is because a letter was sent home from the preschool where my 2 year old and 3.5 year old attend, telling us that "Sometimes parents worry that their child is not eating enough at lunch, and may send their child to school with too much food. Often children are overwhelmed by large portions of food on their plates. Doctors recommend one tablespoon of food per year of age at each meal. A three-year-old needs at least three tablespoons of food at meal times for proper nutrition and growth."

I was somewhat offended by this, because my 2 year old has a very big appetite, so I send her to school with a lot of food, and I trust that at 2 years old she doesn't need to be put on a "diet", that she can self-regulate how much she eats. Also she is VERY active, physically strong and advanced for her age, and overall she is a healthy kid. In last few weeks all her lunches and snacks that get sent to school have been paleo. My girls get no junk food, or non-food edibles. I'm happy knowing about the quality of the food they eat, but I'm not sure I should yet be concerned about the quantity.

Any advice? Rules of thumb? Thanks!

Sarah Cross
The Austin Area SPD Alliance

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