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Topic: Should you vaccinate?
Peggy the Primal Parent
Posts: 13
Should you vaccinate?
on: August 15, 2011, 01:40

This is a touchy topic for some, a scary topic for others. What do you think?

The blog owner!

sarah k.
Posts: 2
Re: Should you vaccinate?
on: August 15, 2011, 13:32

My kids go to public schools, and vaccinations are mandatory (since I have no religious strictures against them). I've wondered if I'm doing more harm than good. I think immunization is amazing, and the fact that some deadly viruses have been eradicated with them is just a miracle. When you consider the socioeconomic factors that play in people's health, it's important to realize that it's not just my own kids' health at stake, it's the rest of the school, the district, the city, the state, etc. I do my best to keep my kids healthy. I know other people think I some kinda weird hippie, with barefoot, practically naked, no sodas or storebought crap or fast food kids. But I still have to consider that, even with amazing health, it's possible to contract something and not know it, but pass it on to someone else. And if you believe that living the way you (the collective you) do will prevent illness, you still need to remember that the kids across the street probably don't, yet.

I respect people's decisions not to vaccinate, and the same with people who do it. I know the shots contain poisons, in very small amounts. I know intentionally infecting a person with something horrific seems barbaric (though they did get the idea from nature, since we build up immunity to some things that we're exposed to in small amounts). Also, my oldest child got the chicken pox as a direct result of someone else getting the vaccine.

I hope vaccines get better, and less dangerous, because I don't see us humans retreating into small clans that have little contact with each other. Thanks to that good old Agricultural Revolution, we're just too many.

student, at home parent, musician, reader, lazy ass

Posts: 4
Re: Should you vaccinate?
on: August 15, 2011, 16:08

I vaccinate both my kids, but I am choosy about which vaccinations they get. They do not get flu vaccinations or rota-virus. In other words, I do not vaccinate my kids for illnesses that they are unlikely to contract or are likely to be able to recover from on their own without the threat of great harm or death. However, my kids do get vaccinations for diseases that are potentially deadly, and they get vaccinations for diseases that have the potential to do permanent physically harm.

It is unfortunate that vaccines contain heavy metals and other poisonous substances.

Based on scientific evidence, I do not believe that vaccines cause sensory problems or autism spectrum disorders in children. I suspect that these conditions are caused by genetics, and pre- and post-natal environmental factors.

Sarah Cross
The Austin Area SPD Alliance

Posts: 7
Re: Should you vaccinate?
on: September 19, 2011, 21:42

My first was vaccinated on schedule, but my second had a bad reaction to his DTaP at 4 months and I started looking into things. We stopped them all until I felt comfortable with a decision.

We now delay, and selectively vax. I can see pros and cons on both sides, and it's probably the hardest parenting decision I've had to make.

We use the religious exemption at school, it's more philosophical, but it works for us.

There are some vaccines I won't give my boys, and there are some we will. My middle boy won't get the DTaP again, though I'd be okay with just a tetanus shot.

Our decision is also based on our lifestyle… I'm a stay at home mom and I breastfeed at least three years. If my kids were in daycare, or if I formula fed, or if a family member had Hep B… we would make difference choices.

I'm not really pro or anti – I'm all for parents educating themselves and making the best choices for their own families.

Posts: 11
Re: Should you vaccinate?
on: September 22, 2011, 04:02

I agree with everyone here. My daughter just got 4 vacs for 2nd year preschool. It was horrible. Her last ones were at 18 months. It was so much easier then. I think it was more horrible for me than her. The last one left a deep muscle bruise that lasted for two weeks. But I'd rather her safe and other kids safe than not. It's also public school for her as well and we have no religious preferences.

I had my very 1st flu shot today. I've always been skeptical but i'm having some health issues and my nuerologist wanted me to have it. We will see how I do!

I come from a family with a lot of health issues. I’m just now having to deal with some of them at 29. I’m a single mother of a 5 yr old little girl. I’m trying to get my health back. I’ve been primal since August 2011.

Posts: 1
Re: Should you vaccinate?
on: December 28, 2011, 03:14

We don't give our son any vaccines. I spent countless hours researching vaxes during the last few months of pregnancy & came to the conclusion that they are entirely unnecessary & do a great deal of harm to the infant's natural immune system. Especially since I myself have auto-immune problems. On top of that, it does not provide the child with immunity (more than 1/3 Cali's pertusis was vaxed) It was a difficult decision to come to, after all, I've been listening to the vax propoganda my whole life. But the more I read, the more I was convinced that my child's immune system would be strengthened, not harmed, by the virus's. Once I researched the treatment protocols, all my unease vanished. Most required hydration & rest & patience lasting up to a couple weeks. I am a stay home mom & have plenty of time to nurse my child through the measles, something a working mom or day care might not have. As for the idea that it protects other children, well, I am more concerned about bringing my boy around recently vaxed children because of the vaccine shedding that occurs for up to 3 weeks following a vax. I don't believe that a test-tube measles virus mutated with DNA from other animals & aborted human tissue will provide my son with true immunity from the real virus, but would just get him really uselessly sick. For this reason, we do lots of playdates with other non-vaxed children, especially when other kids were in the vax schedule age.

natural mama on all accounts :)

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