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Topic: How do you maintain energy without carbohydrates?
Peggy the Primal Parent
Posts: 13
How do you maintain energy without carbohydrates?
on: August 15, 2011, 01:37

If you're eating low carb now, do you find you have more or less energy than when you ate a higher carb diet?

The blog owner!

Posts: 9
Re: How do you maintain energy without carbohydrates?
on: August 15, 2011, 20:47

I have gradually lowered my carb intake over the last 3 months, from >300 g/d to 30-40 g/d. There were 2-3 weeks when I was around 50-60 g/d when my energy was painfully low and I could not sleep. Partly this was due to summer weather, but it was certainly exacerbated by the change in macronutrient intake. As an exercise instructor, I struggled to get through classes in those weeks.

Now, my body has adjusted, and energy levels are considerably more constant. I don't have to pull myself out of low-energy funks anymore, like I did every evening before teaching class. But also I don't get quite the post-dinner sleepiness that I used to get (I relied on those to determine my bedtime!). Overall — much more constant energy levels, from waking through sleep.

Tangent: I also find that when I eat foods that don't agree with my digestive system, I'm much more aware of their effects on my energy levels. For example, I had a few spoonfuls of coconut milk ice cream last night, and about an hour later felt weak and irritable. My tummy was grumbling, and I finally made the connection between digestive irritation and physical effects.

Posts: 3
Re: How do you maintain energy without carbohydrates?
on: August 16, 2011, 16:09


I don't eat low-carb purposefully, but tend to eat at least moderately low-carb by the nature of the diet. I wouldn't say I'm bursting with energy as some people report, but my energy levels tend to be much more stable than they previously were, and I have no problem getting through a 13 hour relatively active workday without sleepy attacks.

Posts: 10
Re: How do you maintain energy without carbohydrates?
on: August 18, 2011, 22:30

When I'm under 50g/day my energy levels are good and I feel more motivated and focused than when I'm eating a lot of carbohydrates.

I have narcolepsy as well, though, so no matter how many/few carbs I eat I still have periods of very low energy. Regular naps and sleep schedule help keep it stable, though.

Laura B
Posts: 1
Re: How do you maintain energy without carbohydrates?
on: August 22, 2011, 18:02

Lately it feels like carbs are making me tired. I can have some sprouted grain bread, veggies or fruit in the morning as long as it's with fat and protein. However, if I eat say, a big salad for lunch… I'll want to crash by 3pm. If I were to have plenty of protein and fat with my salad, I would just get full and not want so many veggies. The same thing happens at the end of the day, too many veggies and I feel "full" but not satiated. My energy is stable and lasts if I eat more fat. I am still new at this though, so I'm experimenting :)

Posts: 7
Re: How do you maintain energy without carbohydrates?
on: September 19, 2011, 20:21

I have more energy!

I'm diabetic though, so that might have something to do with it.

I basically don't eat grains, but I still have the occasional fruit and dark chocolate. Very rarely a potato. I probably have more nuts and dairy than I should, but I'm working on cutting back on those.

But recently my husband commented on it as well…he feels much more clear-headed and motivated when he doesn't have carbs.

Posts: 2
Re: How do you maintain energy without carbohydrates?
on: October 2, 2012, 09:57

When I'm low carb, I'm clear-headed and don't have the highs and lows as I do when I'm eating too many carbs and sugars. Emotionally, I'm very stable, although sometimes it got to the point where nothing excited me anymore. I just didn't get a high off of anything, but then again, I didn't get totally upset about things either. Steady was how I would describe it. If I wasn't getting enough calories in, that's when I wouldn't have enough energy, but otherwise, low carb is great for me.

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