Primal Moms: Number One Bestseller in Pregnancy/Exercise and Fitness


Primal Moms Bestseller
One week on the shelves and Primal Moms Look Good Naked is at the NUMBER ONE position in pregnancy/exercise and fitness.

This is quite an honor (for now – rankings change constantly) but, you know, I couldn’t have done it without this community.

I started writing the book with just one Primal pregnancy under my belt. And, much to my delight, I got pregnant with my second about four months into it. The pregnancy and the timing were both a blessing. No doubt, it was a challenge writing a book while pregnant, working, and home-schooling Evelyn, but it was worth it.

We all want women to have happy, healthy pregnancies and give their children the best possible chance in life. Let’s work together to achieve this by spreading the word.

If you’re reading the book, go to Amazon and leave a review. If you’ve got friends that are pregnant or trying to conceive, buy them a copy. If you know mothers who suffer from depression or fatigue and who are unhappy with the shape their bodies are in, let them know there is hope. The more we talk about it, the more women will benefit.

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  1. I just bought the kindle version, it looks great!

    • I just finished the book, it was fantastic! I really liked how well the exercises were described with the pictures. I’m thinking about getting pregnant in the nearby future and I’m so happy I got the opportunity to read this book to properly prepare for the pregnancy.

      I just moved to Colombia (my husband is Colombian too!). I was wondering if you knew anything specifically about the food in Colombia, as the information can be hard to come by around here. For example, people call things “natural” which in my opinion, are pretty far from natural (e.g. Tropicana orange juice or any kind of bottled juice). It’s hard to get a straight answer.

      I find the produce here wonderful. From what I have gathered, all the beef is grass-fed, and it’s easy enough to find a little farm somewhere to buy raw milk or grass-fed butter. I don’t know though what are the conditions for growing the fruits and vegetables, because I haven’t seen anything organic, and I wish I knew if the butter sold in the supermarket (I think my husband’s family buys Colanta) is grass-fed. Colombians seem to think that grass-fed is not important/normal, so they don’t write it on anything.

      I don’t know if they inject their cows with growth hormones. My husband’s cousin, I think (he lives far away), owns a dairy farm, and according to my husband does not use growth hormones. However, knowing food sources and stuff like that isn’t my husband’s forte, and it seems to me that Colombia is very much under the influence of the United States. Also, what about the chicken!

      It’s unfortunate they fry absolutely everything in vegetable oil. Coconut oil is hard to come by too. I intend to use ghee when our house if finally ready (for the moment, living at the in-laws….).

      Thanks, Anna

      Btw, I live in the great region of Medellin.

      • Hi Anna,

        I am so glad you liked the book! Please please go leave a review about on Amazon. Your feedback really helps me and those interested in the book. :)

        Medellin is about the only big city I haven’t been to in Colombia. We will go there one day. I hear it is beautiful!

        Quite a bit of the meat in Colombia is grass fed and free range. For many farmers, it is cheaper to keep free range animals. My husband’s dad is a farmer in the mountains outside of Cali. He has a coffee farm and a cattle farm. He uses pesticides on his coffee, just like they pretty much all do, because coffee gets majorly eaten up by a certain bug. If they don’t use pesticides, they lose their crop.

        His cattle, on the other hand, roam free throughout the hills, eating grass. The grass is abundant and he has found that he makes more money (which in reality is barely enough to live) from his cattle farm than his coffee farm. Now, out there, cattle are susceptible to certain parasites that burrow under their skin. So I know the cattle are given medicine for that sometimes. Animals who are not in their native habitat can run into problems with local parasites.

        So, I suspect the same is true of the butter. It is much yellower there than it is here and so I’d guess it’s coming from cows that eat grass. Although, dairy farms may be different for logistics. Cattle who need to be milked each day, might not have free rein of the hills. I don’t know. What I do know is that my on my husband’s dad’s farm, they keep a few cows for milk up near the house and feed them cut grass. He cuts it on his property and that costs him nothing but labor.

        As for chickens, I don’t know what is sold in stores but you can go get a meal just about anywhere outside of the city made with the chickens running around on the property.

        But it is hard to know exactly where things come from. I think the lack of demand for grass fed and free range and the lack of education in general makes labeling a non-issue. So the chickens in the grocery stores could be from anywhere.

        It’s hard to get the straight dope for sure. I suspect that in time, after you’ve lived there for a while, you will know much more than I. Then you should come back and school me so that I know better next time I travel there!

        • Thanks Peggy! I definitely have some investigating to do around here :-)

          I just wrote a review for your book, it should be up when Amazon finishes processing.

          If you ever come to Medellin, you should give me a shout! We could go and have a nice sancocho together! :-)

          • I really appreciate the kind words! I definitely will go to Medellin one day! Probably next time we go to Colombia. Who knows when that will be! December maybe. Julian really wants me to have a Christmas in Cali!

  2. The book was awesome Peggy. Thank you again.

    You managed to get all the info across in an unconfrontational, unbiased way, while keeping emphasis on what’s important. The book also struck just the right balance between being concise and being clear. I loved it and have already recommended it to a few people (and left an Amazon review).

    • Alexandra, that is so good to hear! I know the subject is so touchy. Thank you for your recommendation!

  3. Congrats Peggy!

  4. Great book Peggy! I enjoyed it all, and I especially like that the writing style is pretty much the same as your blog. I felt like I was having coffee (or kombucha or something…) with my cool friend Peggy, and chatting about having a healthy pregnancy. It also helped me feel like I’m on the right track to having a healthy pregnancy when my time comes, and helped me prioritize the changes I still want to make.

    And, it left me wanting more! I’d love to know more about a healthy primal pregnancy, especially delaing with doctors in prenatal visits and then in the delivery room, and the first year-ish of primal mothering. I think that’s what your next book should be about! In the mean time, I’d love some book recommendations and blog posts.

    So, awesome book, and thanks!

    • Another book about pregnancy and mothering, huh? Boy, I don’t know about that! I’ll think about it. ;)

  5. I read the free sample and was instantly hooked. I’m so pleased you have a nook book version too! It’s on my wish list and I can’t wait to read it all. I’m especially looking forward to the pre-conception and infertility sections, since that’s where I’m at on my path to motherhood. I will be sure to leave a review when I buy it : )

  6. Your book just landed on my desk in Hungary this morning, can’t wait to read it. Congratulations on the statistics, well done!

  7. Just bought your book on Kindle :) Question for you: did you experience any cramping with your pregnancies? My last period was May 12th. Took a pregnancy test this past Saturday which was positive and confirmed it at the clinic tonight. I told him about cramping (read this is normal) and that some are pretty strong (this could be bad). He ran more tests on my urine, comes back and goes “ah-ha! it’s because of your poor diet”. I just stared at him utterly confused. Finally he says it’s because I’m burning ketones and says I need to up my carbs. He believes that will help with the cramping. Did you experience anything like this? I will definitely add in more good carbs (so glad he didn’t say grains, just said carbs and sugar repeatedly). Thanks :)

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