Emotional Development Milestones by 2 to 4 months


By this time, your baby has learnt that being friendly is rewarding because of the way you respond to him with hugs, kisses and cuddles. He will smile more often and will show happiness with his gestures when you approach him.

Emotional Development Milestones

Response and Recognition

One of the most significant development that your baby has quite a detailed memory of people closest to him, so he can recognize them as individuals. He will respond to each of one accordingly, as he’s influenced by the way he interacts with everyone.

I still remember if my son was crying and I call him from distance, he will be quiet. My husband’s voice used to excite him as he was ready to play with him. I can never believe but babies these days are really smart.

Skilled Expression

Your baby’s different little noises are beginning to be recognizable now. He coos, giggles, laughs, smiles and loud screeching will make you run to him. Most amazing fact is that even though babies will not utter even a single word, but they will be registering everything you speak. Hence more you talk, better it will be.

Feeling Secure

At this stage, baby is naturally outgoing and don’t feel shy of stranger, he is quite social and will love to “talk” people – babies, strangers. Though, he will obviously prefer you to anyone.

By his fourth month, you need to start his routine of regular naptimes, walk outside, feeding, bath and bedtime. This will help him to anticipate the day better, and teaches him that life has a pattern to it and we need to follow a routine. This eventually increases his confidence and provides emotional security to him.

Establishing a routine also helps him to trust that you are near, even if he cannot see you. This one fact makes quite a difference in your kid’s life and will help to grow him as a confident, secure and independent kid.

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